Thursday, February 11, 2010

there are days when tea fills you up, and there are days when a smile fills you up. like the elvin grin of those piercingly white incisors. there are days when you laugh so hard you make weird noises you didnt know you were capable of making and when your guilt lays split, shattered, and left behind on the floor once you confess it. there are days when you walk out of your math room and have the sudden urge to hug someone becuase emily looked so pretty. and there are days when you beep at people who walk by your car who looks cool. there are days when you tear up over the ferocity that claws itself out of human hearts and manifests itself in a fist pounding into fleshy cheeks. and there are days when you look at people and want to take pictures of them. there are days when i do want to talk to you, and there are days when i dont. today was a day when i wanted to, but i never did. there are days when you want to take a chance on someone and dont because youre too scared, and will "later" when youre older and more mature, and youre not exactly sure when that day will come but it has too come otherwise youre life will be sad and pathetic and mushy. there are days when youre in this denial. there are days when you go slightly coockoo, and charge at eachother like rhinos. it is these days that you lay on the gym floor, laughter ricocheting off the hollow walls of such a grand gymnasium. it was empty without your laughter. we collapsed to the floor a lot, with the grand stupor of happiness that comes with pulled butt-muscles and victory. there are days when you take a nap and wakeup to feel a hole has been bored into your heart and its sucked up all your breath and will and you feel like youre going to throw up. there are days when you worry and miss people and there are days when you hug someone and its warmer than anything you felt. its warm because you just scurried from the blustering and cold outside, that trails its frosty grip way inside with you until you find those arms. those arms that follow us the rest of the day, poking our mind. reminding us. you hugged me with warmth. the tea filled me up. and you looked cool so we beeped at you. and youre smile was the most beautiful thing ive seen in days.

today was all of those kinds of days.

oh and days like this that you havent started studying for history yet

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